Make a Donation
General Donation Options
- ONE TIME: one time donation
- MONTHLY: recurring monthly gift
- QUARTERLY: recurring quarterly gift
Donation Designation Options
- OPERATIONS: general donation that is undesignated and goes where the need is greatest
- US BASED MEDICAL RELIEF & AIR TRANSPORT (MAT) PROGRAM: supports our domestic MAT program
- GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN NETWORK: supports our global programs
- ENDOWMENT: a gift that grows over time, securing income into the future.
- STEM: supports our SOAR into STEM program
Use the TRIBUTE form if you are interested in making a donation In Honor of or In Memory of someone special. Click the button below to see the Tribute form.
Do You Work For A Match-Maker?
With matching gifts, it is possible to double or even triple your gift! Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match most charitable contributions made by their employees. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and spouses or award money to Wings of Hope for your volunteer hours!
For assistance, please contact Amy Buehler at amy.buehler@wingsofhope.ngo or (636) 537-1302.